Archive by Author | decagrandma

Posting for April

I hope I am in the right place.  Seems like it wasn’t this difficult to find the first time. I am having a horrible time getting going.  I hope the weather straightens a out and stays nice.  I am a fair weather walker.  If you could count the 4 pounds I have lost over and over again so far, we would be way ahead by now.  Got it off again and am hoping for forward progress this week 🙂

Beth Spell

1.  My No. 1 goal is to get back to exercising on a regular basis,  lose what I have gained since the end of the last challenge and lose an additional 25 pounds.

2.  My biggest motivator is the encouragement of family and friends.

3.  My strategy is to continue with the 17 day diet, walk lots, and drink more water.

4.  I don’t have secret cravings-they are all very visible.  Candy and nuts are my most frequent downfalls.

5.  My No. 1 strategy is to keep the house full of lean meats and healthy veggies and empty of those no-nos, and to make my mentor, chef and cheerleader play a leading role.